I did the major geographical moving bit from A to B at the end of last year, but the finding a job bit has been trickier so far… With my confidence dented and really not knowing what to do next, I’m back to one of my original ideas and whims which was exactly this: write a blog (i.e. scratch that creative outlet/self-expression itch) and see where it leads…
… and there it is, I wrote it without even knowing… A is the recently married, newly relocated and unemployed me and B is this blog! So C will be the gainfully employed and happy at work me (if and when I get there)!!
Oh, and I’ve yet to mention to you A(i) and A(ii), my two short forays into paid work (one week and three months respectively), since my arrival here in the middle and easterly flatlands of England, my new home. Another day’s blog methinks…
But I’m thinking I better just copy and paste my About bit here for you now, so you have a bit of context for these ramblings of mine:
‘Since turning fifty I have started a new life. Single to married… from one country to another… business proprietor to hopelessly unemployed… cooking for me to cooking for four… zero pets to too many pets… being part of a community to becoming ‘anon’… never thinking it would happen to me to writing about it in this blog…’
PS Today is a Wednesday in August, overcast but warm; managed a short run in some drizzle this morning; food intake measured so far; mood ‘good, occasionally moderate’.