Saturday (yesterday)
I got a text notification that the book I ordered from library was ready for me to collect, so I walked into town to collect before 1pm. I do dystopian novels every now and again, not too often though as I have a tendency to think the worst whatever… But when I visited Portland, Oregon last year I bought Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler. If I remember rightly, it was featured in the book store’s top ten must reads, and not unsurprisingly with how things are over there right now. With a hop, skip and jump we could very well be living such an existence…
Friday (the day before yesterday)
… and who knew my husband of just over one and a half years is a zero fuss, zero mess maker of jam?! With guidance from Delia and a cook’s thermometer, he produced perfectly set blackberry jam that is delicious. Loving him dearly.